Friday, May 25, 2007

Up with pro sports, down with poor sports!

Many people avoid pro sports because they simply lack the interest: ok, granted. But there is a vile breed of sophisticates who despise sports not just because of the idiotic athletes, but because sports, simply, are beneath them. In other words if diversions were placed on a scale, sports would be at the lower end of the totem pole.

That, I believe, is elitist ivory-tower idiocy. To the art critics, movie reviewers, preachers, and other pundits who pan pro sports, I say: get over yourselves! There is no way to rank forms of diversion, since diversion, by nature, is a matter of taste, not logic, choice, not nature.

It is simply enjoyable to watch the best craftsmen ply their trade. Anyone, I think, can relate to that. Whether the trade be art, music, or sports, the principle holds. In this vein, I see a certain beauty in watching the best playing their games - especially football, basketball, and baseball, which are the sports of my experience.

Now, there are those who despise professional sports because they believe pro athletes are selfish, spoiled simpletons with bling-bling ringing in their ears. To a great extent, I agree with these people....but more on that in a separate rant. Tune in later for a sampling of the athletes and teams that disgust me.

For now, it is enough to say "up with pro sports," and down with the poor sports who trash the games that so many enjoy...simply out of spite.

That having been said - GOLF SUCKS!!! Tune in later for a rant on this subject.

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