I'm a word nerd. I enjoy good books, corny puns, and witty movie dialogue. At the risk of deluding myself with notions of grandeur, I like to think of myself as a writer, a wordsmith, a guy whose pen is mightier than William Wallace's sword.
I am indeed a man of many words, but few words satisfy me as much as one word: douchebag.
Douchebag is far from being an elegant word. It is, in fact, a term whose meaning I barely grasp. I know it has something to do with feminine hygiene, but since I have as little to do with feminine hygiene as possible, I cannot really picture what it is.
But that is not important. What is important is how "douchebag" is applied in popular usage. In this sense, I think everyone knows what a douchebag is, and why it feels so good to say.
So what does douchebag mean to the millions who utter it every day? Well, in my view, it refers to a person whose cocksure demeanor and arrogant attitude make him or her both maddenly irritating and laughably ridiculous. They are, in Top Gun terms, individuals whose egos write checks their bodies can't cash. They are full of themselves and think everyone else should be, too. And they could all use a good, sound thrashing.
Since that would be against the law, however, the next best thing is to call them what they are: douchebags.
Perhaps a few examples would shed some light on this satisfying word:
Derek Jeter - The shortstop for the New York Yankees prances around the bases with a look of pure smugness on his pretty-boy face. He simply oozes douchebag.
Ashton Kutcher - The party-boy actor wears a shit-eating grin that needs to be wiped off his foo-foo face. Even his fancy name screams "douchebag!"
George W. Bush - If ever there was a man who deserved the name, Bush is he. His seamless blend of arrogance and ignorance in addition to his "bring it on" bullshit has not only been the worst thing to happen to this country in decades, but it has earned him the status of Douchebag-in-chief. Hail to the chief.
In the end, a douchebag is simply someone I love to hate...and someone I love to name for what he is. So call a douchebag a douchebag, and enjoy it.